ProLego Protein as lego blocks ...
Protein Information
Domain Id d1rp3b_
DB_Source-ClassASTRAL-1.75B, a.137.11.1
Moleculeu'Anti sigma factor FlgM'
SSE Sequence*(4) HHHH
Protein Topology 

Topology Information

Protein topology is represented by contact and orientation of secondary structure elements (SSEs). The figure on the left represents the contact map with information on type of orientation two SSEs share (color coded). The matrix can be represented in following string representation.

Contact String
cs [Click here to expand]

Prefence of topology : True

Linear Topology Graph : d1rp3b_
Protein Id: d1rp3b_
Topology Graph : d1rp3b_
Protein Id: d1rp3b_
Modules in queried Topology
Protein In ProLegoDB with identical/similar Topology